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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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01.09.2009, [20:55] // UAOC //
KYIV — On August 26, 2009, took place the Hierarchal Synod of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC) under the leadership of the head of the UAOC Metropolitan Mefodiy (Kudryakov) along with ten hierarchs of the church. The subject of the synod was the church-confessional situation in Ukraine, which formed after the visit of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus. The hierarchs composed an appeal to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and discussed the future paths of the development of the UAOC. RISU's Ukrainian-language webpage posted this story on August 27, 2009.
The appeal to the Ecumenical Patriarchate states that the church division in Ukraine occurred as a “result of the crisis of the church consciousness, which departed from the ideal of Christian Universalism.”
The episcopate of the UAOC asks the Ecumenical Patriarch “not just to pray for the recovery of the division in Ukraine, but also to give us medication which can heal the wounds on the body of the Ukrainian Church.” As the text of the appeal attests, from such “medication” they can receive two things; first of all, the beneficial influence of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the formation of a new, more universal, church consciousness in Ukraine and secondly, Patriarch Bartholomew’s blessing for the UAOC to come under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with rights of autonomy.
“We call the Ecumenical Patriarchate,” write the hierarchs of the UAOC, “to develop and realize a complete theological-church program, which aims is to consolidate church consciousness in Ukraine. In our opinion, to improve the health of the church consciousness the following are extremely urgent:
• the involvement of leading theologians of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in solving the Ukrainian Church problem;
• the collaboration of theologians of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with leading humanitarian and theological schools in Ukraine;
• the introduction of publishing program which would have the goal of familiarizing Ukrainian Orthodox Christians with the achievements of the theological thought of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, especially, in the fields of ecclesiology, canonical law, and history of the Ecumenical Patriarchate;
• the participation of representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in educational events in Ukraine and a deeper involvement of leading representatives of Orthodox academic work of Ukraine in education and other events that are directed by the initiation or assistance of the Ecumenical Patriarchate;
• the opening in Kyiv of a branch or informational-cultural center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
On the other hand, the episcopate of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church once more witnesses in front of the face of the Mother of the Church, which for the sake of departing from artificial canonical isolation and renewing communion with the ecumenical Orthodoxy, our church is ready and strives to come under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate with rights of autonomy.”
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Geneva - Recently elected to the Governing Committee of the ICMC, His Beatitude Patriarch Gregorios III was keen to attend its meeting in Geneva on 13 July.
Identity and work of ICMC
Responding to the needs of people on the move since its establishment by the Holy See in 1951, ICMC serves and protects uprooted people: refugees, internally displaced persons and migrants, regardless of faith, race, ethnicity or nationality.
Working directly with migrants and refugees in more than forty countries, and in co-operation with governments and non-governmental organisations, ICMC is an international commission of Catholic Bishops' Conferences and Episcopal Assemblies, advocating and implementing at national and regional levels rights-based policies and lasting solutions for vulnerable people.
The ICMC Secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland, with liaison offices in Belgium and the USA. Among the ICMC's field offices worldwide there is one in Jordan and certain of its one hundred and more expert resettlement personnel support UNHCR field offices in the Middle East through the ICMC-UNHCR Deployment Resettlement Scheme.
The direct experience of ICMC Members underpins the ICMC's presentation in international and regional policy-making debates of their concerns for human dignity. This ensures that the Church's voice can be more widely heard.
The Governing Committee Meeting
The Governing Committee of the ICMC, with its President, John Michael Klink, met for an intensive working day on 14 July, between the hours of 9a.m. and 6p.m. Present were the eleven elected members, including Cardinals John Njue (Kenya), George Pell (Australia), Christoph von Schönborn (Austria) and Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga (Honduras), with Patriarch Gregorios III (Syria) and other distinguished representatives of Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, Uganda and the USA. Among the observers were the Papal Nuncio to Geneva, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi and Msgr. Novatus Rugambwa, Under-Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerants (Rome) and the President of ICMC Europe, Mr. Bernard Ryelandt. The three counsellors present were Archbishop François Gayot (Haiti) and two Sisters, from Ecuador and Australia.
Among the topics discussed that day were services and resettlement for Iraqi refugees and the Middle East's regional issues, which the ICMC would be requested to pursue.
There followed Holy Mass in a nearby church, with a memorable sermon by Cardinal von Schönborn on the reading for the day, from the Book of Exodus, about the five women figuring in the story of Moses' infancy and the ways in which they acted to preserve and sustain the child's life and overcome enmity, injustice and persecution. Patriarch Gregorios from the altar sang in Arabic, while his concelebrants and staff of the ICMC received communion. Later there was an evening reception and dinner for staff and a few guests.
The morning of 15 July was devoted to discussion of the ICMC's financial situation, to hearing the presentations from the auditors and discussing future fund-raising for the welfare of migrants.
Holy Mass in the nearby Papal Chapel was followed by a simple meal at a local restaurant, with the afternoon's work following within the hour.
ICMC Lebanon and Caritas Syria
Patriarch Gregorios was concerned to contribute to the afternoon's topics, which included the situation of partnership with Caritas, Syria. Also on the agenda was the topic of a Board to be registered ICMC in Lebanon.
The concluding discussion and review of decisions was far-ranging and the meeting ended rather later than planned. The Governing Committee resolved to continue to liaise closely with the Episcopal Conferences and to continue to maintain close links with the Vatican in order to further their care for migrants during the current global crisis.
The provisional date of the next committee meeting was fixed for January 21-23, 2010 in Vienna.
After the close of the meeting, His Beatitude went on to fulfil a pastoral engagement in Geneva.
V. C.
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04.08.2009, [12:34] // UGCC //
Kiev - On July 29, 2009, workers of the Patriarchal curia met at the office of Patriarch Curia of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC). During the meeting, Patriarch Lubomyr, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, introduced the new head of the Patriarchal Administration, Bishop Bohdan (Dziurakh), who is also the Secretary of Synod of Bishops of the UGCC. Speaking to the workers of the Patriarchal Administration, Patriarch Lubomyr said that, "the work of the curia is the work on the highest levels for the church, state, and internationally. Therefore, the workers of the curia must create a charismatic community that fulfills the tasks put forth by the Church.”
Afterwards, Bishop Bohdan thanked the patriarch for his trust, explaining that he will draw upon his experience working with the curia when he was the auxiliary bishop for the Kyivan Archeparchy. "However,” commented the bishop, “I still have a lot to learn, so that we can more effectively work together.” There was an open discussion after his speech where workers could voice their opinion on how to improve work efficiency.
Towards the end of the meeting, an announcement was made about the All Ukrainian Pilgrimage of military personnel to Zarvanytsya, which is scheduled to take place from the 19-20 of September, and about the pilgrimage of the workers of the penitentiary system of Ukraine to Univ, which will take place on September 26-27.
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Sloathsburg, NY - The Immaculate Conception Province of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate cordially invite you to the 55th annual Holy Dormition Pilgrimage in Sloatsburg, New York on August 8-9, 2009. This year's pilgrimage is entitled "Behold Your Mother: Evangelization under the Protection of the Mother of God." Sister Michele Yakymovitch, Provincial Superior, and all the Sisters welcome the faithful who come and pray together during this pilgrimage. The Dormition Pilgrimage continues the tradition of gathering the faithful for prayer.
The theme of this year's pilgrimage is "evangelization", which is the theme set for this year by His Beatitude, Lubomyr Cardinal Husar and the Synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Bishops.
The two day Dormition pilgrimage program will include: a youth gathering, blessing of water, healing services, Panahyda Memorial service for deceased pilgrims, Moleben services, Lamentation at the Bier of the Mother of God service, Vespers, Matins, Akhatyst service, Stations of the Cross, and the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by all the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops in the US.
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The Holy Father also appointed Bishop John (Bura), auxiliary of the archieparchy of Philadelphia of the Ukrainians, U.S.A., as apostolic administrator "sede vacante" of St. Josaphat in Parma of the Ukrainians, U.S.A. Bishop John was born in 1944 in Europe and emigrated to the United States in 1950. In 1959 he entered St. Basil Minor Seminary in Stamford, CT, and from 1967 to 1070 did his theological studies at St. Josaphat Ukrainian Seminary and the Catholic University of America, both in Washington, DC. He was ordained on 14 September 1971 for the Archeparchy of Philadelphia. $5 deposit online casino nz After sacred ordination he served several pastoral and administrative assignments, including teaching the Ukrainian language and religion, Vice-Chancellor at St. Basil’s Seminary in Stamford, Chancellor of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Washington, DC., parish priest of Holy Ghost in Chester, St. Nicholas in Wilmington. He was named Auxiliary Bishop of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia and consecrated in 2006.
[01169-01.01 - Holy See Press Office]
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The issue about the restitution of the Church’s property was widely discussed, the decision of which was undertaken by Ukraine at the moment of entering the Council of Europe. In particular, it was acknowledged by both sides that the decision of this question has to take into account interests of both the church and the state, and mainly for it to be based on the principle of justice.
The issue of pastoral chaplaincy in the military of Ukraine was also discussed.
While discussing the legal initiations of the government, the importance was stressed of the comprehensive work of the project for the law (About freedom of conscience and religious organizations) and legal projects, which would give to the churches and religious organizations a right to found secular educational institutions, and other documents, which would give the church more rights to realize its educational aims.
In addition, there was an exchange of opinions regarding the modern social and political situation.
At the end of the meeting, Patriarch Lubomyr thanked the premier for a chance to meet and discuss such important issues as state-church cooperation and invited her to visit the pilgrimage center in Zarvanytsya.
Information Department of the UGCC