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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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22.07.2009, [15:08] // UGCC //
“In relation to what we expect from this decision (recognition of the repression of the UGCC – aut.), it follows to establish the suffering inflicted on the Church morally and spiritually, the widespread destruction of churches as well as priesthood, the repression of the faithful and the clergy. It is also important to note the financial losses the Church suffered, which are not inherently detrimental to the Church because it is not a banking system; however, finances play an important role in accomplishing evangelical tasks. Therefore, if there is an official recognition of the repression of the Church, I hope that there will also be the recognition of a right to certain reparations. In cooperation and with the help of proper state-sponsored commissions, the form and dynamics of recognition can be determined. This recognition process must take place because it is, without a doubt, an element of historical justice,” explained Bishop Bohdan (Dzyirakh), Secretary of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, in a commentary for RISU, which he gave during the 37th convention for the Secretary Generals of the European Episcopal Conference. The UGCC website reported this story on July 21, 2009.
Bishop Bohdan further commented that it is utterly necessary to recognize the true history of the UGCC. He said that it is too early to predict what the official statement will be, however it should be a reflection of the “greater understanding, maturity and freedom of our society.”
“We have to work. We have to have a strong faith that the state will understand. During his presidency, President Kuchma said that the UGCC is a very important part of spiritual life and an intrinsic aspect of Ukrainian history from which it was “brutally removed.” This was a moral confession of the guilt of the state before the Church, commented Patriarch Lubomyr, for the web-portal “Religion in Ukraine.” The Head of the UGCC explained that it would be easier to live and work for the Church if it had the appropriate financial support. “If we had the facilities to further build and develop the Ukrainian Catholic University, we would be able to organize houses for the elderly, for orphans, for those who remained single after divorce, among others,” remarked the Head. He added that the Church does not need the money for itself. “A lot of money for the Church would be a curse. Therefore, we need to be extraordinarily careful in financial matters. A surplus of money would make the Church worse off. We require only that amount which is necessary for us,” said Patriarch Lubomyr.
On June 19, 2009, the Ternopil Regional Council acknowledged the repression of the UGCC. Before them, the city councils of Lviv (on December 4, 2008) and Ivano-Frankivsk (on February 27, 2009) officially recognized the repressed status of the Church. The regional councils followed suit, on Decembers 23, 2008 and on March 23, 2009, respectively. On June 4, 2009, the Ternopil City Council acknowledged the status of repression of the UGCC. The Council also appealed to the President of Ukraine and to the Supreme Council to initiate on the national level a “process of establishing historical justice in relation to the UGCC by recognizing its historical repression.”
- Details - On the day on which he announced that he would run for a second term, President Viktor Yushchenko-- who was poisoned during the 2004 campaign and then gained power during the “orange revolution”-- lauded the role of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the nation’s history. The president, who is a member of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, made his remarks in the presence of Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halyc (Kiev).
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
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13.07.2009, [15:10] // UGCC //
KYIV—In his interview for the web-portal Religion in Ukraine on 7 July, 2009, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) talked about the efforts of the UGCC towards receiving the status of a patriarchate, stressing that the idea about the patriarchate is not new.
“The idea appeared back in the times when Kyiv metropolitans – the Orthodox Petro Mohyla and our Veniamin Rutskyi – talked about the Kyiv Patriarchate. That was the beginning of the 18th century. Later, the idea was developed, especially actively at the end of the 19th century and until 1930s. We are indebted for this to the Blessed Josef Slipyj. He gave an impetus to the development. We exist in this process, and deepen our understanding of a national church. We are duly implementing this vision. We are the church that is present not only in Ukraine but in other countries as well. Therefore, the most important thing for us is internal unity, so that every Christian feels that he needs others in order to be himself.
“There is also an external factor since the apostolic capital or an ecumenical council grant or recognize the status. Now it seems very unlikely that a council of the Catholic Church is going to take place. Therefore, the responsibility for such a decision is apparently laid on the apostolic capital, the Pope. I would like to say that both Pontiffs – John Paul ІІ and Benedict ХVI – said clearly: the time will come when this striving becomes reality. It is not an easy task as someone just signing a decree and everything is done. Such things demand a ‘change of views,’ demand development of spirituality, a clear understanding. Personally, I am satisfied with this internal progress that is in our Church in this direction. Because the recognition by the apostolic capital should not be, essentially, a mere formality, an administrative act, but a realization of ecclesiastic attitude. An inner understanding is the most importing aspect in this matter. By the grace of God, we are on this way and are progressing quite well.”
In response to the question whether the Moscow Patriarchate affects the process of granting the UGCC the status of a patriarchate, the UGCC head answered: “Yet, it does. I have no doubts. I am absolutely sure in that. I know that some steps were made to complicate this development for us. Unfortunately.”
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04.07.2009 | 23:55 | IKA E - 113903/7
Križevci: Ordination of New Greek Catholic Bishop [ Also see: Photos at this link ]
Križevci, (IKA - Catholic Press Agency Zabreb) – On Saturday, July 4, Nikola Nino Kekić, the newly appointed bishop of the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Križevci, was ordained in the Greek Catholic cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Križevci. The consecrator was Msgr. Slavomir Miklovš, the apostolic administrator of the Eparchy of Križevci. The co-consecrators were the archbishop and metropolitan of Zagreb, Cardinal Josip Bozanić, and the apostolic nuncio in the Republic of Croatia, Archbishop Mario Roberto Cassari, who read the bull of appointment at the beginning of the ceremony.
In the homily, Cardinal Bozanić noted that this episcopal ordination conducted according to the Byzantine-Slavic Rite in the Greek Catholic cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity in Križevci has historical significance. According to the chronicles, all the bishops of Kreževci have been installed outside their episcopal see. He also called attention to the significance of this Byzantine-Slavic ceremony of episcopal ordination, which consists of three parts: the announcement of the appointment, profession of faith and consecration.
Addressing Bishop Kekić, Cardinal Bozanić noted that the motto he has chosen, "God is Love," expresses the Christian image of God in a concise and very clear manner. Since God first loved us, Christian love is not a commandment but rather a response to the gift of love. The cardinal urged Bishop Kekić as a good shepherd to assemble his scattered and small flock of Greek Catholic Croats, Rusyns and Ukrainians in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia, to strengthen them in Catholic faith and encourage them, although they are small in number, to be proud of their Church heritage.
Cardinal Bozanić urged the new bishop of Križevci to safeguard and build the community of presbyters, religious and Christ's lay faithful throughout the entire eparchy, Bishop Kekić thanked everyone who has accompanied him thus far on his path of life. He thanked Pope Benedict XVI who appointed him as the thirteenth bishop of Križevci, and the twenty-ninth in the series of bishops of Marča-Križevci, as well as the co-consecrators. On his own behalf as well as on behalf of the priests and faithful of the Eparchy of Križevci, he particularly thanked Msgr. Slavomir Miklovš, who had led the diocese for 26 years, including the war years. Bishop Kekić greeted the assembled clergy with special joy. He urged the faithful to pray fervently for the clergy that they may rise above mediocrity, to be holy bishops and holy priests. He suggested that Croatian families should spend more time together. Let us find time for each other, despite the devastating tempo of life that tramples every person and his dignity, said the bishop.
The participants in the liturgy included the Croatian archbishops and bishops, led by the president of the Croatian Conference of Bishops, Archbishop Marin Srakić of Đakovo-Osijek, bishops of neighboring countries and numerous priests of the Eastern and Western Rites. Also attending were representatives of other Christian Churches in Croatia, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Marinko Juretić on behalf of the Serbian Orthodox Church; the Rev. Kirko Velinski representing the Macedonian Orthodox Church, the Rev. Emil Angelov representing the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, and Vicar Branko Berić on behalf of the Evangelical Church. The ordination was attended by many of the faithful, some of whom wore folk costumes from Žumberak, the birthplace of the new bishop.
The liturgical singing was led by the Cyril-Methodius Choir of Zagreb, the Cathedral Choir of Križevci and the Most Holy Virgin Choir of Samobor.
The Diocese of Križevci encompasses the Greek Catholics in the entire territory of Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Greek Catholic Church or the Church of the Eastern Slavic Rite is a Church sui juris employing the Byzantine Rite and the Greek, Old Slavic or vernacular language during worship. It is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church and recognizes the Pope as the Supreme Pontiff. The Greek Catholic Church in Croatia was organized by Christians of the Greek-Slavic Rite who left their villages in Dalmatia, Bosnia and Slavonia during the 16th and 17th centuries in order to flee the Turks and resettle in the free parts of the Croatian Military Frontier. The center of Greek Catholic Church life was Marča as the first diocesan see in 1511 after entering into union with Rome. In 1777, the Diocese of Križevci was established for the faithful of the Eastern Rite. The residence and cathedral of the Greek Catholic bishops are located in Križevci. The Diocese of Križevci was initially within Esztergom and subsequently made part of the Zagreb Metropolis when it was established in 1852. Since 1996, the diocesan see has been in Zagreb, where the Greek Catholic seminary built in the second half of the 17th century and the co-cathedral of SS. Cyril and Methodius are also located.
Photo is linked from the website of the New Liturgical Movement. See other photos at this link.
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KYIV ( —On July 3, 2009, an interview with Patriarch Lubomyr, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, was published in the newspaper “Levyj Bereh.” In the interview, the patriarch was asked why Greek Catholics are “moving” to the East, what are the prospects for the relationship with the Moscow Patriarchate, and how to unify a country that has been so divided politically and spiritually. The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church commented on the upcoming visit of the Patriarch of Moscow to Ukraine.
For many online editions, this publication spurred the writing of many information messages. Key phrases used by journalists included the visit to Ukraine by Patriarch Kirill, which is planned for the end of July to the beginning of August, and the relations between the church and the state. “He is coming to visit the faithful, who serve him very loyally, and this is very natural. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church, under the leadership of His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr, is very excited for his visit. They are closely connected to him. He is the Head, Patriarch, and it is a joyous moment for the believers of this church. But we have to ask ourselves: is he coming to visit Ukraine or to visit the believers? For if the state invites him as a state guest, and that is exactly what the Premier Yulia Tymoshenko has done, this means that he will come as a guest of the state,” stated the public representatives of Patriarch Lubomyr.- Details
17486 Mumford Road, Burton, Ohio
Annual Pilgrimage Schedule 2009
Theme: “O You Through Whom Joy Will Shine Forth”
Saturday, Aug. 15:
4:30 p.m. - Blessing of pilgrims at the mosaic cross
5:00 p.m. - Vespers with Divine Liturgy at Shrine Altar
7:30 p.m. - Akathist Service of praise to the Mother of God with procession
at Shrine Altar
Celebrant: Most Rev. John Kudrick
Bishop of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma
9:00 p.m.- ByzanTEEN campfire and campout
Sunday, Aug. 16:
10 a.m. - Matins at Chapel of Our Lady of Mariapoch (Mumford Road)
11:30 a.m. - Tour of Christ the Bridegroom Monastery (17485 Mumford Road)
12:00 p.m. - Sixth Hour Service at the chapel of Christ the Bridegroom Monastery
1:15 p.m. - Paraklis Service of supplication to the Mother of God with Mystery of Holy Anointing at Lourdes Grotto
2:00 p.m. - Talk on iconography for adults, children’s craft activity, teens’ activity
2:45 p.m. - Jesus Prayer at Shrine Altar
3:00 p.m. - Blessing of pilgrims at mosaic cross
3:30 p.m. - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Shrine Altar
For information visit: and