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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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28.07.2009, [12:54] // Foreign relations //
KYIV—On 27-28 July, 2009, on the eve of commemoration of the Holy and Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, Patriarch Kirill conducted an All-Night Vigil at the Kyiv Caves Monastery.
Concelebrating with the patriarch were the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv and All Ukraine, members of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, a synaxis of archpastors, and clergy.
The liturgical service lasted about three hours, and a reliquary with a particle of relics of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Volodymyr was on the altar the whole time.
The All-Night Vigil was performed on the square in order to host the large number of believers who were expected to attend.
In addition, a broadcast of the vigil was displayed. Several Ukrainian TV channels transmitted a TV broadcast of the service (in particular, TV channel INTER made live stand-ups in the news). The radio audience of Radio-station Era and Internet users also had a chance to witness the festive event at the Kyiv Caves Monastery.
- Details - "The great desire of the Ukrainian people is to live in a single national apostolic Church," Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko has told the visiting Russian Orthodox leader, Patriarch Kirill. The president's statement addressed the fractures within the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. The Moscow patriarchate recognizes only one of three competing groups, and claims that group (the Ukrainian Orthodox Church- Moscow patriarchate) is the sole legitimate representative of the country's Orthodox faithful. Yushchenko's statement appears to favor the rival Ukrainian Orthodox Church- Kiev patriarchate, which broke from Moscow in the 1990s to establish an independent national body. Supporters of the Moscow-backed group have frequently complained that Yushchenko shows undue preference for the Kiev patriarchate.
Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.
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27.07.2009, [16:03] // Orthodox //
KYIV—On July 27, 2009, for the first time in modern history, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia is holding a session of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in Kyiv, reports Interfax information agency.
"Today we will discuss important issues relating to internal life and the outside activities of our Church. Just one thought of the great importance of the Kyiv Cave Monastery for the fate of Russian Orthodox faith makes one uplifted and energized. We are meeting in a place that is holy to our Church, to our Orthodox brethren," said the patriarch as he opened the meeting.
The patriarch also pointed out the historic nature of today's meeting of the synod "in the southern capital of Russian Orthodox faith" and recalled that the previous meeting of the synod, which was held in the Alexander Nevskyi Monastery in St. Petersburg, was also historical.
The meeting of the synod was timed to fall within the Patriarch's visit to Ukraine and is a traditional summer meeting of top Russian Orthodox clergymen. According to an earlier report published by Interfax-Religion, "the hierarchs of the Russian Church, who have come from different regions to the old southern capital of Russian Orthodox faith, will discuss a wide range of various issues relating to church life."
The meeting traditionally involves seven permanent members of the synod and five temporary members.
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On July 26-28, the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church will celebrate the 1021st anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’-Ukraine. All the Liturgies will include a reading of the “Appeal of Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church for the special occasion of the day of Saint Volodymyr and Baptizing of Rus’-Ukraine.” Also, after every Liturgy, priests will conduct for the whole community the rite of cross vows, blessing of water and the faithful.
On Sunday, July 26, 2009, at 10:00am, in the Patriarch Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (Kyiv, 5 Mykil'sko-Slobids’ka St.), the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy will take place, which will be led by His Beatitude Lubomyr, Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, after which He will communicate with the press. Sunday’s program will be include a festive concert on the grounds of the Patriarchal Cathedral.
It should be noted that on July 19, a week before this celebration, all Liturgies in the churches of the Kyivan Archeparchy of the UGCC, included a reminder from priests about this important event for Ukraine, which is already celebrated in the Archeparchy for the third consecutive year. Additionally, as per the request of Reverend Bishop Joseph (Milyan), auxiliary bishop of Kyiv, every parish through the initiative of the church choirs, catechetical school, youth’s and parochial activists should organize concerts.
Information Department of the UGCC
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General Report on the Bimillennial Year of the Birth of Saint Paul
In Damascus, City of Paul, Apostle to the Nations
28 June 2008 to 29 June 2009
Proclamation and Preparation
After the proclamation of the Year of Saint Paul by His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, Patriarch Gregorios III and his Vicar General, Archbishop Joseph (Absi) went to the President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Doctor Bashar al Assad to inform him officially about the year and to ask what could be done. His Excellency's reaction was very positive and he offered help in every way, especially from the Ministries of Tourism, Information and others.
The Patriarch wrote a letter in readiness for the Opening of the Year (see the Patriarchal website) to all his bishops, priests and laity in Syria and around the world outlining the plans for the forthcoming year and explaining its spiritual significance.