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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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Bishop George Martin Kuzma, bishop emeritus of the Eparchy of Van Nuys CA, reposed in the Lord on Sunday, December 7, 2008 at Mount Macrina Manor in Uniontown, Pa.
Bishop George was born on July 24, 1925, the youngest child of Ambrose and Anna (Martin) Kuzma of Windber, Pa. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, after which he began his studies for the priesthood. He attended St. Francis College in Loretto, Pa. and St. Procopius College in Lisle, Ill.
When Sts. Cyril and Methodius Seminary opened in Pittsburgh, he transferred there and received his collegiate degree from Duquesne University. Upon completion of his studies, he was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Nicholas T. Elko on Pentecost Sunday, May 29, 1955.
His priestly service included parishes in the Pittsburgh, Detroit and Cleveland areas before his move to the West Coast, where he had always desired to serve. He served as pastor of Annunciation Parish in Anaheim, Calif. from 1972 until his elevation to the episcopacy in 1987. On February 4, 1987, he was ordained to the episcopacy in Passaic, NJ, where he served as auxiliary bishop to Bishop Michael J. Dudick.
On January 15, 1991, Bishop George returned to his beloved West Coast as the second bishop of the Eparchy of Van Nuys. During his tenure there, he worked tirelessly to set the debt-ridden eparchy on firm financial ground and following the devastating Northridge Earthquake he relocated the administrative offices of the eparchy to Phoenix, Ariz.
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08.12.2008, [19:06] // UGCC //RISU.ORG.UA
On December 6, 2008, in the 88th year of earthly life, 31st year of episcopal ministry, and 62nd year of priestly ministry, the Reverend Bishop Ivan (Semedii), Bishop emeritus of the Mukachevo Greek-Catholic Eparchy, passed away. The official web page of the Mukachevo Eparchy reports about it:
Funeral services will take place on December 9, 2008, in Uzhhorod. At 9.30 in the Cathedral of the Cross, the hierarchical funeral will begin. Consequently at 11.00 a memorial Divine Liturgy will take place. After this the body of the deceased Bishop Ivan will be transported to the burial-place in the village of Mala Kopania, Vynohradovo District, Transcarpathia Region.
Short biographical information
Bishop Ivan was born on June 26, 1921, in the village of Mala Kopania, Vinohradovo District, Transcarpathia Region.
In 1942 he finished secondary education in the city of Khust, Transcarpathia. The same year he entered the Uzhhorod Theological Academy. In autumn 1944 he became a volunteer of the Czechoslovakia Liberation Army. He was honorably discharged to continue studies at the Theological Academy, which he finished in 1947.
On July 6, 1947, he received priestly ordination (the ordaining bishop was Bishop Teodor (Romzha). Thus, he was appointed prefect and teacher of the Uzhhorod Theological Academy, simultaneously executing the functions of notary of the eparchial management.
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VATICAN CITY, 5 DEC 2008 (VIS) - Benedict XVI has sent a telegram of condolence to the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church for the death of His Holiness Alexis II, Patriarch of Moscow and All the Russias.
"I was profoundly saddened to receive news of the death of His Holiness Alexis II, Patriarch of Moscow and of All the Russias, and with fraternal affection I wish to convey to the Holy Synod and to all the members of the Russian Orthodox Church my most sincere condolences, assuring you of my spiritual closeness at this very sad time. In my prayer I beseech the Lord to welcome into His Kingdom of eternal peace and joy this tireless servant, and to grant consolation and comfort to all those who mourn his passing, Mindful of the common commitment to the path of mutual understanding and co-operation between Orthodox and Catholics, I am pleased to recall the efforts of the late Patriarch for the rebirth of the Church, after the severe ideological oppression which led to the martyrdom of so many witnesses to the Christian faith. I also recall his courageous battle for the defence of human and gospel values, especially in the European continent, and I trust his commitment will bear fruit in peace and genuine progress, human, social and spiritual. At this sad time of loss, as his mortal remains are consigned to the earth in the sure hope of the resurrection, may the memory of this servant of Gospel of Christ be a support for those who are now in sorrow and an encouragement for those who will benefit from his spiritual legacy as leader of the venerable Russian Orthodox Church".
For his part, Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, has issued a note expressing his own sadness at the death of the patriarch, who "was called to guide the Russian Orthodox Church in a period of great change. ... His leadership has enabled that Church to face the challenges of transition from the Soviet era to the present with renewed interior vitality".
The cardinal recalls his "many meeting with His Holiness, who always made a point of expressing his goodwill towards the Holy Father and his desire to strengthen collaboration with the Catholic Church. His personal commitment to improving relations with the Catholic Church, in spite of the difficulties and tensions which from time to time have emerged, has never been in doubt".
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Moscow - - 20081205 - - Alexei II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia since 1990, died this morning. He was 79. Born in Estonia, the future head of Eastern Orthodoxy’s largest autocephalous Church-- and the largest Christian group outside the Catholic Church-- was ordained to the priesthood in 1950 and became Bishop of Tallinn and Estonia in 1961. Elevated to the rank of archbishop in 1964, he served as chancellor of the Moscow patriarchate from 1964 until 1986, when he became Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod.
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"This fraternal visit", said the Pope speaking English, "is a significant occasion for strengthening the bonds of unity already existing between us, as we journey towards that full communion which is both the goal set before all Christ's followers and a gift to be implored daily from the Lord.
"For this reason", he added, "I invoke the grace of the Holy Spirit on your pilgrimage to the tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and I invite all present to pray fervently to the Lord that your visit, and our meetings, will mark a further step along the path towards full unity".
The Holy Father told the patriarch of his "particular gratitude for your constant personal involvement in the field of ecumenism, especially in the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches, and in the World Council of Churches".
The Pope continued: "On the exterior facade of the Vatican Basilica is a statue of St. Gregory the Illuminator, founder of the Armenian Church, whom one of your historians has called 'our progenitor and father in the Gospel'. The presence of this statue evokes the sufferings he endured in bringing the Armenian people to Christianity, but it also recalls the many martyrs and confessors of the faith whose witness bore rich fruit in the history of your people. Armenian culture and spirituality are pervaded by pride in this witness of their forefathers, who suffered with fidelity and courage in communion with the Lamb slain for the salvation of the world"
"Together let us invoke the intercession of St. Gregory the Illuminator and above all of the Virgin Mother of God, so that they will enlighten our way and guide it towards the fullness of that unity which we all desire", he concluded.
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- Encyclical of Archbishop Demetrios for Thanksgiving Day 2008
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