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Photo: Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I embrace.
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ISTANBUL Turkey -- Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew paid a reciprocal visit to the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Istanbul today where he was welcomed by Pope Benedict XVI.
The two leaders joined in a procession into the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit where the Pope celebrated the Liturgy for the Roman Catholic community of Istanbul. During the Liturgy the Pope and the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew exchanged a kiss of peace and offered a common blessing to the faithful.
Also in attendance for the Roman Catholic Liturgy were the heads of the other Christian Communities of the city.
The Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, built in 1846 under the direction of Italian architect Julien Hillereau, is located near the Beyoglu District of Istanbul. The statute of one of the Pope's predecessors with the same name, Benedict XV, stands in the courtyard of the cathedral.
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Friday, December 1, 2006
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(Ps 117:24)
This fraternal encounter which brings us together, Pope Benedict XVI of Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, is God’s work, and in a certain sense his gift. We give thanks to the Author of all that is good, who allows us once again, in prayer and in dialogue, to express the joy we feel as brothers and to renew our commitment to move towards full communion. This commitment comes from the Lord’s will and from our responsibility as Pastors in the Church of Christ. May our meeting be a sign and an encouragement to us to share the same sentiments and the same attitudes of fraternity, cooperation and communion in charity and truth. The Holy Spirit will help us to prepare the great day of the re-establishment of full unity, whenever and however God wills it. Then we shall truly be able to rejoice and be glad.
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(NOVEMBER 28 - DECEMBER 1, 2006)
1. The Significance of the Apostolic Journey
In the footsteps of his predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has chosen to honour the land of Turkey with one of the first Apostolic Journeys of his Pontificate. Turkey is spread over a vast region which, not without reason, has been called “the Holy Land of the Church”. It was there that the Christian community, particularly in the great centres of Antioch and Ephesus, became conscious of her identity and consolidated her growth. There the Church opened out to the ancient world in a process of inculturation and adaptation which made her truly “catholic”, open to all cultural expressions. Furthermore, this land was the starting-point for the first evangelization of both the Far East and the Slav peoples.
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Most Reverend and Reverend Bishops!
Clergy, Religious, and LaityPeace in the Lord!
Dearly beloved in Christ! With God’s help, we have lived to this year’s feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. On this occasion, so solemn and joyful, I wish to greet all of you - to greet those who celebrate this occasion in their homeland, to greet those who live in places where our Church has its own developed structure, and to greet those who are residing where there is no formal presence of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Whatsoever the circumstances of your life may be, I sincerely greet all of you!
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ISTANBUL, Turkey – His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of all Orthodox Christians around the world, welcomed His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, the Primate of the Roman Catholic Church, at Atatürk International Airport in Istanbul.
"Your Holiness and most beloved brother in Christ, we welcome you with great joy, honour and love. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord", stressed Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, as he greeted Pope Benedict XVI.
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Newberry Springs, CA (Nov. 15, 2006) - On the evening of October 17, 2006, and with the blessing of His Grace, Bishop John Michael, Abbot Nicholas canonically established Holy Theophany Monastery as a dependency of Holy Resurrection Monastery. The decree of establishment was read and signed by Abbot Nicholas and witnessed by the four nuns who make up the sisterhood in the presence of a small congregation of the faithful. Father Lee Perry from the nearby Ruthenian parish of St. George also attended.
After signing the decree, Fr. Nicholas presided at the All-Night Vigil (Great Vespers and Festal Orthros) for the Feast of St. Luke, Apostle and Evangelist. The Vigil was served by Fr. Abraham Miller of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic parish of Zarvanitsya in Seattle who is the chaplain for the sisters. A lovely dinner was served after the service.
The next morning, the beautiful rite of Installation of the Holy Antimension was served by Abbot Nicholas and assisted by Fr. Abraham. Afterward, Divine Liturgy was celebrated on the new antimension. Present at this time were Abbot Neal Roth, OSB and Brother Francis Meyer, OSB, both from nearby St. Martin’s Abbey, and Fr. Peter Dally and Pani Mary in addition to a small assembly of faithful. Again, Sr. Irene served a wonderful brunch in the monastery trapeza.
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